Al-Ajurumiyah English Translation Arabic Grammar

Al-Ajurumiyah English Translation Arabic Grammar basic Title of book: English translation of Al-Ajurumiyah
Al-Ajurumiyah English Translation Arabic Grammar
Title of book: English translation of Al-Ajurumiyah
Title of original book: Matn al-Ajurumiyah fi Ilm al-Nahw (متن الأجرومية في علم النحو)
Author: Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ajurum Al-Shanhaji ( أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن آجروم الصنهاجي)
Translator: Abul-Layth Qasim Ibn Aggrey Mutiva
Field of study: Arabic grammar (ilm al-nahw)

Table of Contents

  1. Download Al-Ajurumiyah English Translation (pdf)
  2. Chapter 1 : Speech (أنواع الكلام)
  3. Chapter 2: Grammatical Analysis (باب الإعراب وأقسامه)
  4. Chapter 3: knowing the signs of grammatical analysis (باب معرفة علامات الإعراب)
    1. Signs of Rafa'
    2. Signs of Nasab
    3. Signs of Khafad
    4. Signs of Jazm
  5. Chapter 4: Inflected Words (باب المعربات)
  6. Chapter 5: Verbs (باب الأفعال)
  7. Chapter 6: Nouns in Raf’a (باب مرفوعات الأسماء)
  8. Chapter 7: Subject-Doer (باب الفاعل)
  9. Chapter 8: Object whose Subject is not Named (باب المفعول الذي لم يسم فاعله)
  10. Chapter 9: The Subject and its Predicate (باب المبتدأ والخبر)
  11. Chapter 10: Governing Agents that Exercise Influence on the Subject and the Predicate (باب العوامل الداخلة على المبتدأ و الخبر)
  12. Chapter 11: Adjectives (باب النعت)
  13. Chapter 12: Conjunctions (باب العطف)
  14. Chapter 13: The Corroborative (باب التوكيد)
  15. Chapter 14: The Permutative (باب البدل)
  16. Chapter 15: Parts of Speech in Nasb (باب منصوبات الأسماء)
  17. Chapter 16: The Direct Object (باب المفعول به)
  18. Chapter 17: The Infinitive or Absolute Object (باب المصدر / باب المفعول المطلق)
  19. Chapter 18: The Time and Space Qualifiers (باب ظرف الزمان و ظرف المكان)
  20. Chapter 19: The Circumstantial Qualifier (باب الحال)
  21. Chapter 20: The Specifying Element (باب التمييز)
  22. Chapter 21 : Exception (باب الاستثناء)
  23. Chapter 22: Absolute Negation with la (باب لا)
  24. Chapter 23: The Vocative (باب المنادى)
  25. Chapter 24: The Object of Reason (باب المفعول من أجله)
  26. Chapter 25: The object of Accompaniment (باب المفعول معه)
  27. Chapter 26: The Nouns in khafd (باب المخفوضات من الأسماء) 
  28. Kitab Sharaf / Shorof yang lain:
    1. Terjemah Qowaidul I’lal
    2. Terjemah Nazham Maqsud 
    3. Terjemah Amtsilah Tashrifiyah 
    4. Terjemah Matan Kailani / Tashrif Izzi
    5. Terjemah Alfiyah ibnu Malik  
  29. Kitab Nahwu (Gramatika Bahasa Arab)
    1. Terjemah Matan Ajurumiyah
    2. Terjemah Matan Imrithi 
    3. Terjemah Alfiyah ibnu Malik
    4. Al-Ajurumiyah English Translation of Arabic Grammar
  30. Kitab Ilmu Balaghah/Sastra Arab (Ma'ani, Bayan, Badi'):
    1. Ilmu Balaghah Lengkap
    2. Terjemah Balaghah Wadhihah
  31. Kembali ke Terjemah kitab Ajurumiyah
أنواعُ الكَلامِ

االكلامُ: هُوَ اللَّفْظُ المُرَكَّبُ المُفِيدُ بِالوَضْعِ،

وأقْسامُهُ ثَلاثَةٌ: اِسْمٌ ، وفِعْلٌ، وحَرْفٌ جَاءَ لِمَعْنًى

فالْاِسْمُ يُعْرَفُ بِالخَفْضِ، والتَّنْوِينِ، وَدُخُولِ الأَلِفِ واللَّامِ، وحُرُوفِ الخَفْضِ وَهِيَ: مِنْ، وَإِلَى ،وَعَنْ، وَعَلَى، وَفِي، وَرُبَّ، وَالبَاءُ، وَالكَافُ، وَاللَّامُ

وَحُرُوفُ القَسَمِ وَهِيَ:الوَاوُ، وَالبَاءُ، وَالتَّاءُ.

وَالفِعْلُ يُعْرَفُ بِقَدْ، وَالسِّينِ، وسَوْفَ، وتَاءِ التَّأْنِيثِ السَّاكِنَةِ.

والحَرْفُ ماَ لاَ يَصْلُحُ مَعَهُ دَلِيلُ الاِسْمِ وَلَا دَلِيلُ الفِعْلِ

Types of Speech

Speech: Is the composed saying or utterance which is beneficial in its placement or composition.

And it is divided into three groups: Ism (noun), and F'il (verb), and Harf (a preposition which conveys meaning).

So the Ism (Noun) is known by Al-Khafdh (the acceptance of Jarr), and At-Tanween (a mark which indicates indefiniteness), and the acceptance of Alif Laam (the definite article).

And the letters of Khafdh are min, ilā,’an, ‘alā, fī, rubba, al-bā, al-kāf, and al-lām

And the letters of Avowal (Pledge) are: al-wāw, al-bā and al-tā.

And The F'il (Verb) is known by qad, al-sīn, sawfa, al-Tā al-Tanīs al-Sākina.

And the Harf (Preposition) is that which does not accept any of the Ism (Noun) or F'il (Verb) indicators or signs.


1. Al-Ajurumiyah by Hamza Yusuf

2. Simplifying Al-Ajurmiyah by Abul Layth

Al-Ajurumiyah English Translation
