Arabic Grammar: The words which contain vowel markings that can be changed

The words which contain vowel markings that can be changed are divided into two groups. diacritical vowel markings (harakat) and letters (huruf)
Title of book: Simplifying Al-Ajrumiyah (English translation of Al-Ajurumiyah)
Title of original book: Matn al-Ajurumiyah fi Ilm al-Nahw (متن الأجرومية في علم النحو)
Author: Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Ajurum Al-Shanhaji ( أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن آجروم الصنهاجي)
Born: 1273 CE
Died: 1323 CE, Fes, Morocco
Translator: Abul-Layth Qasim Ibn Aggrey Mutiva
Field of study: Arabic grammar (ilm al-nahw).

Table of Contents
  1. The words which contain vowel markings that can be changed (فصل المعربات)
    1. The group which is identified by way of vowel markings (المعربات بالحركات)
    2. The group which is identified by way of letters (المعربات بالحروف)
  2. Back to Ajurumiyah English Translation
The words which contain vowel markings that can be changed (فصل المعربات)

فصل المعربات

المعربات قسمان : قسم يعرب بالحركات وقسم يعرب بالحروف .

The words which contain vowel markings that can be changed are divided into two groups. One group is identified by diacritical vowel markings while the other group is identified by way of letters.

The group which is identified by way of vowel markings (المعربات بالحركات)

المعربات بالحركات فالذي يعرب بالحركات أربعة أشياء : الاسم المفرد وجمع التكسير وجمع المؤنث السالم والفعل المضارع الذي لم يتصل بآخره شيء . وكلها ترفع بالضمة وتنصب بالفتحة وتخفض بالكسرة وتجزم بالسكون وخرج عن ذلك ثلاثة أشياء : جمع المؤنث السالم ينصب بالكسرة والاسم الذي لا ينصرف يخفض بالفتحة والفعل المضارع المعتل الآخر يجزم بحذف آخره .

So the group which is identified by way of vowel markings contains four types of nouns. 1. The Singular Noun. 2. The Broken Plural. 3. The Sound Feminine Plural. 4. The Present tense verb to which there is nothing attached to the end of it.

In all of the previous nouns the condition of Raf' is indicated by a , Dhommah, the condition of Nasb is indicated by a Fathah the condition of Khafdh is indicated by a Kasrah, and the condition of Jazm is indicated by a Sukoon.

The only exceptions from those are three: 1. The Sound Feminine Plural in which the condition of Nasb is indicated by a Kasrah. 2. The condition of Khafdh in Nouns which vowel marks do not change is a Fathah 3. The Present Tense Verb which ends with a weak letter enters the state of Jazm with the removal of its last letter.

The group which is identified by way of letters (المعربات بالحروف)
المعربات بالحروف

والذي يعرب بالحروف أربعة أنواع : التثنية ، وجمع المذكر السالم ، والأسماء الخمسة ، والأفعال الخمسة ،وهي : يفعلان ، وتفعلان ، ويفعلون ، وتفعلون ، وتفعلين . فأما التثنية فترفع بالألف وتنصب وتخفض بالياء . وأما جمع المذكر السالم فيرفع بالواو وينصب ويخفض بالياء . وأما الأسماء الخمسة فترفع بالواو وتنصب بالألف وتخفض بالياء . وأما الأفعال الخمسة فترفع بالنون وتجزم بحذفها .

And the group of words which are grammatically identified by letters are of four types: 1.The Dual Form 2. The Sound Masculine Plural 3. The Five Nouns 4.The Five Verbs which are ، تفعلين and ، تفعلون and، يفعلون and تفعلان and يفعلان

As for the Dual form then the condition of Raf' is indicated by an Alif and the condition of Nasb and Khafdh is indicated by the the letter Yaa

As for the Sound Masculine Plural, then the condition of Raf' is indicated with the letter Waaw and both the condition of Nasb and Khafdh are indicated by the letter Yaa

As for the Five Nouns then the condition of Raf' with them is indicated with the letter Waaw and the condition of Nasb is indicated with the letter Alif , and the condition of Khafdh is indicated with the letter Yaa

As for the Five Verbs then condition of Raf' with them is indicated by the establishment and firmness of the letter Noon . Both the conditions of Nasb and Jazm are indicated by the removal of the letter Noon