How to Pray Correctly in Islam

How to Pray salah Correctly in Islam There are Three Degrees of Intention: If the ṣalāh is farḍ, it is compulsory to intend:23 a. The act of ṣalāh


How to Pray Correctly in Islam


  1. The Degrees of Intention
  2. The Conditions of Takbirat al-Ihram
  3. The Conditions of Surah al-Fatihah
  4. The Tashdīds of Surah al-Fatihah 
  5. The Raise of the Hands 
  6. The Conditions of Prostration (Sujud)
  7. The Limbs of Prostration
  8. Tashdīds in Tashahhud
  9. Tashdīds in Salawat
  10. Tashdīds in Salam
  11. The Times of Prayer
  12. The Types of Horizons
  13. The Times Forbidden to Offer Prayers
  14. The Pauses in Prayers
  15. The Composure (Tuma’ninah)
  16. Commentary
  17. Back to: Islamic Shariah: Law and Theology

The Degrees of Intention

(فصل) النيه ثلاث درجات : إن كانت الصلاة فرضا وجب قصد الفعل والتعيين والفرضية وإن كانت نافلة مؤقتة كراتبة او ذات سبب وجب قصد الفعل والتعيين ، وان كانت نافلة مطلقة وجب قصد الفعل فقط .
الفعل :أصلي والتعيين: ظهرا أو عصرا و الفرضية : فرضا .


There are Three Degrees of Intention:
If the ṣalāh is farḍ, it is compulsory to intend:23
a. The act of ṣalāh – the intention of performing ṣalāh.
b. The actual ṣalāh that is being offered e.g. Ẓuhr or ʿAṣr.
c. It being a farḍ ṣalāh.

If the ṣalāh is a periodic nafl like “rawātīb”24 or it has a specific reason,25 it is compulsory to intend:
a. The act of ṣalāh – the intention of performing ṣalāh.
b. The actual ṣalāh that is being offered e.g. sunnah before ṣubh or “Istisqāʾ” (ṣalāh seeking rain).

If the ṣalāh is a muṭlaq nafl,26 it is compulsory to intend:
a. The act of ṣalāh – the intention of performing ṣalāh.

The Conditions of Takbirat al-Ihram

(فصل) شروط تكبيرة الإحرام : ستة عشرة أن تقع حالة القيام في الفرض وأن تكون بالعربيه وأن تكون بلفظ الجلالة وبلفظ أكبر والترتيب بين اللفظتين وأن لايمد همزة الجلالة وعدم مد باء أكبر وأن لا يشدد الباء وأن لايزيد واواً ساكنة أو متحركة بين الكلمتين ، وأن لايزيد واوا قبل الجلالة وأن لايقف بين كلمتي التكبير وقفة طويلة ولا قصيرة ، وأن يسمع نفسة جميع حروفها ودخول الوقت في المؤقت وإيقاعها حال الإستقبال وأن لا يخل بحرف من حروفها وتأخير تكبيرة المأموم عن تكبيرة الإمام.


The Conditions of Takbirat al-ihram are Sixteen:

1. That it is pronounced while standing in the farḍ ṣalāh.
2. That it be in Arabic.
3. That it be with the word “Allahu”.
4. That it be with the word “akbar”.
5. The sequence between these two words “Allahu akbar” is followed.
6. Not to lengthen the hamzah of the word “Allah”.27
7. Not to lengthen the letter of “ba” of “akbar”.28
8. Not to double the letter of “ba”.29
9. Not to add a “waw” sakin or mutaharrik between these two words.30
10. Not to add a “waw” before the word “Allah”.
11. Not to pause for a long or short while between these two words.
12. To hear oneself uttering its entire letters.31
13. Entering of the time of ṣalāh.
14. For it to occur while facing towards the qiblah.
15. Not to change even a single letter.
16. To delay the takbir of the maʾmūm (follower) till after the takbir of the imām.

The Conditions of Surah al-Fatihah

(فصل ) شروط الفاتحة عشرة : الترتيب والموالاة ومراعاة تشديداتها وأن لا يسكت سكتة طويلة ولا قصيرة يقصد قطع القراءة وقراءة كل آياتها ومنها البسملة وعدم اللحن المخل بالمعنى وأن تكون حالة القيام في الفرض ، وأن يسمع نفسة القراءة وأن لا يتخللها ذكر أجنبي 


The Conditions of Surah al-Fatihah are Ten:

1. Sequence.
2. Continuity.
3. To perfect (pronunciation of) its letters.
4. To perfect its tashdīds.
5. Not to pause for a long or short while with the intention of terminating the recitation.
6. Reciting all its verses including the “basmalah”.
7. Not to commit a mistake that alters the meaning.
8. To recite it while standing in the obligatory prayer.
9. To hear one’s own recitation.
10. No foreign recitation should be recited in-between (the al-Fātiḥah).

The Tashdīds of Surah al-Fatihah

(فصل) تشديدات الفاتحة أربع عشرة : بسم الله فوق اللام ، الرَّحمن فوق الراء ، الرَّحيم فوق الراء ، الحمد لله فوق لام الجلالة ، ربُّ العالمين فوق الباء ، الرَّحمن فوق الراء ،مالك يوم الدِّين فوق الدال ، إيَّاك نعبد فوق الياء ، إيَّاك نستعين فوق الياء ، اهدنا الصِّراط المستقيم فوق الصاد ، صراط الَّذين فوق اللام ، أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضَّالِّين فوق الضاد واللام . 


There are 14 tashdīds that are recited on various word of Surah al-Fatihah
1. Above the letter “ل”
2. Above the letter “ر”
3. Above the letter “ر”
4. Above the letter “ل”
5. Above the letter “ب”
6. Above the letter “ر”
7. Above the letter “ر”
8. Above the letter “د”
9. Above the letter “ي”
10. Above the letter “ي”
11. Above the letter “ل”
12. Above the letter “ل”
13. and 14. Above the letter “ض” and “ل”

The Raise of the Hands

(فصل) يسن رفع اليدين في أربعة مواضع: عند تكبيرة الإحرام وعند الركوع وعند الإعتدال وعند القيام من التشهد الأول .


It is Sunnah to Raise the Hands in Four Places:35

1. During the takbīrat al-iḥrām.36
2. When going into rukūʿ.37
3. When straightening up (iʿitidāl).38
4. When standing up from the first tashahhud.

The Conditions of Prostration (Sujud)

(فصل) شروط السجود سبعة : أن يسجد على سبعة أعضاء وأن تكون جبهته مكشوفة والتحامل برأسة وعدم الهوى لغيره وأن لايسجد على شيء يتحرك بحركته وارتفاع أسافلة على أعالية والطمأنينة فية.


The Conditions of Prostration (sujud) are Seven:

1. To prostrate upon seven limbs.39
2. The forehead should be exposed.40
3. To make sajdah by resting on the head.41
4. Not to intend anything but sajdah.42
5. Not to prostrate on something that moves with one‟s own movement.
6. That one rear’s be higher than one’s head.
7. Remain motionless for a moment whilst prostrating

The Limbs of Prostration

(خاتمة) أعضاء السجود سبعة : الجبهة وبطون الكفين والركبتان وبطون الأصابع والرجلين.

The Seven Limbs of Prostration are seven:

1. The forehead,
2. and 3 both palms,
4. and 5 both knees
6. and 7 the portion under the toes of each foot.

Tashdīds in Tashahhud

(فصل) تشديدات التشهد إحدى وعشرون : خمس في أكمله وستة عشر في أقلة : التحيات على التاء والياء المباركات الصلوات على الصاد ، الطيبات على الطاء والياء ، لله على لام الجلالة ، السلام على السين ، عليك أيها النبي على الياء والنون والياء ، ورحمه الله على لام الجلاله ، وبركاته السلام على السين ، علينا وعلى عباد الله على لام الجلاله ، الصالحين على الصاد، أشهد أن لاإله على لام ألف ،إلا الله على لام ألف ولام الجلاله، وأشهدأن على النون ، محمدا رسول الله على ميم محمدا وعلى الراء وعلى لام الجلاله.


There are 21 tashdīds that are recited in tashahhud,

Five are their completion and 16 are minimal of the tashahhud43
1 and 2 Above the letter “ت” and “ي”
3. Above the letter “ص”
4 and 5 Above the letter “ط” and “ي”
6. Above the letter “ل” 
7. Above the letter “س”
8, 9 and 10 Above the letter “ي” and “ن” and “ي”
11. Above the letter “ل”
12. Above the letter “س”
13. Above the letter “ل”
14. Above the letter “ص”
15. Above the letter “لاَ”
16 and 17 Above the letter “لاَ” and “ل”
14. Above the letter “ن”
19, 20 and 17 Above the letter “م” and “ر” and “ل”

Tashdīds in Salawat

(فصل ) تشديدات أقل الصلاة على النبي أربع : اللهم على اللام والميم ، صل على اللام ، على محمد على الميم .


There are four tashdīds for the minimal salawat upon Nabi
1. Above the letter “ل” and “م”
2. Above the letter “ل”
3. Above the letter “م”

Tashdīds in Salam

(فصل) أقل السلام : السلام عليكم تشديد السلام على السين .


The minimal salām is “Assalāmu ʿalaykum”:
The tashdid in salam is above the letter “س”

The Times of Prayer

(فصل) أوقات الصلاة خمس: أول وقت الظهر زوال الشمس ، وآخره مصير ظل الشيء مثله غير ظل الإستواء ، وأول وقت العصر إذا صار ظل كل شيء مثلة وزاد قليلا ، وآخره غروب الشمس . وأول وقت المغرب غروب الشمس وآخره غروب الشفق الأحمر ، وآخره طلوع الفجر الصادق وآخره طلوع الشمس .

The Times of Prayer are Five:

1. The time of Zuhur begins after the sun descends from its zenith (zawāl) and it ends when an object’s shadow equals its length in addition to the length of its shadow at the time of zawāl.
2. The time of ʿAṣr begins when the object’s shadow equals its length in addition to the length of its shadow at the time of zawāl, and ends when the sun sets.
3. The time of Maghrīb begins from sunset and ends with the disappearance of the red horizon.
4. The time of ʿIsha begins from the setting of the red horizon and it ends at fajar sadiq.
5. The time of Subuh begins from the dawn until sunrise

The Types of Horizons

الأشفاق ثلاثة : أحمر وأصفر وأبيض .الأحمر مغرب ولأصفر والأبيض عشاء . ويندب تأخير صلاه العشاء إلى أن يغيب الشفق الأحمر والأبيض 

There are three types of horizons; red, yellow and white:

The red horizon is at the time of Maghrīb, while the yellow and white are at the time of ʿIshāʾ.

It is sunnah to delay the prayer of ʿIshāʾ till the yellow and white horizons disappear.

The Times Forbidden to Offer Prayers

(فصل ) تحرم الصلاة التي ليس لها سبب متقدم ولا مقارن في خمسة أوقات : عند طلوع الشمس حتى ترتفع قدر رمح وعند الإستواء في غير يوم الجمعة حتى تزول ، وعند الإصفرار حتى تطلع الشمس وبعد صلاة العصر حتى تغرب .

There are 5 times in a day during which it is prohibited to offer those prayers which do not have an immediate or preceding cause:

1. At the time of sunrise until the sun rises to the extent of the height of a spear.
2. At the time when the sun is at its zenith until it declines, except on Fridays.
3. At the time the sun becomes yellow/pale until sunset.
4. After Ṣubh ṣalāh until sunrise.
5. After ʿAsar prayer until sunset.

The Pauses in Prayers

(فصل) سكتات الصلاة ستة : بين تكبيرة الإحرام ودعاء الإفتتاح والتعوذ، وبين الفاتحة والتعوذ، وبين آخر الفاتحة وآمين ، وبين آمين والسوره ، وبين السورة والركوع .

The Pauses in prayers are Six:

1. Between the takbīrat al-iḥrām and the “duʿā iftitah” (the opening duʿā).
2. Between the “duʿā iftitah” (the opening duʿā) and taʿawwudh
3. Between the taʿawwudh and Sūrah al-Fātiḥah.
4. Between the completion of Sūrah al-Fātiḥah and saying, “Āmīn”.
5. Between “Āmīn” and the sūrah.
6. Between the sūrah and bowing (rukuʿ).

The Composure (Tuma’ninah)

(فصل) الأركان التي تلزمه فيها الطمأنينة أربعة : الركوع والإعتدال والسجود والجلوس بين السجدتين .
الطمأنينة هي : سكون بعد حركة بحيث يستقر كل عضو محله بقدر سبحان الله .

There are Four Postures in Which Ṭumaʾnīnah
(Composure) is Compulsory:

1. In rukuʿ.
2. In iʿtidāl (when straightening up after rukuʿ).
3. In sujud.
4. While sitting between the two sajdahs.

Ṭumaʾnīnah (composure) is a pause after movements to such an extent that every limb remains in its place for the duration of reciting subḥānallah.



23 It is sufficient for a person to make intention to offer the fard   salah of Zuhr.

24  Those  sunnah   salah  performed  either  before  or after  the  five  fard ssalah. 

25 Like the salah of ' Eid al-Fitr or salah al-istisqa ' (seeking rain). It is sufficient that a person makes intention to offer salah of 'Eid al-Fitr or al-istisqa ' .

26 Those nafl   salah that have no time or cause. A person performs them when one wants for additional rewards. It is sufficient to merely make the intention of performing   salah for these   salah. 

27   By  reciting  it  as  "Allahu  akbar,"  this  can  result  in  the  meaning changing.

28   By  rec1tmg  it  as  "Allahu  akbar,"  this  can  result  in  the  meaning changing.

29 By reciting it with the tashdid.

30 By reciting it as "Allahti akbar" or "Allahu wakbar".

31 That one can hear them oneself, given normal hearing and lack of extraneous noise. There is no need to raise one 's voice if there is lot of noise.

32 The al-Fatihah is not considered to be interrupted if a one replies to the "Amin" of the imam, reminding him of the right ayat (verse) when he errs, prostrates with  the imam in  "sajdah tilawah", forgetfully falls silent or absentmindedly  adds some dhikr in it.

33 If one omits one of the al-Fatihah 's letters, fails to double a letter that should be doubled , or substitutes a wrong letter for  the right one, it invalidates one's recital of that particular word, and one must recite that word again. This will not invalidate one's alah unless it changes the meaning and was done deliberately. Mistakes in a harakah (short vowel) are not harmful as long as they do not alter the meaning.

34 Its entire letters should be recited while standing.

35 It is from the "sunan hay 'ah" of the   alah, the wisdom being to show respect and reverence to Allah    .

36  Begin raising the hands at the beginning  of the takbir and put them down at the end of the takbir, means that raising of the hands must be simultaneous with the takbir from the beginning till the end.

37   A  person  starts  raising  his  hands  at  the  beginning  of  takbir  and prolongs  the  takbir  until  he  places  his  hands  upon  his knees,  fingers spread apart and backbone and head are straight.

38 A person begins raising his hand with the raising of the head and the takbir; when he straightens, he lowers his hands. 

39 It is sunnah to place the nose on the ground, however, sajdah will be in order if the nose does not touch the ground.

40 If one is wearing a bandage over the forehead because of an injury, sajdah may be made on the bandage without the need of repeating it afterwards with the condition that the bandage  was put  on while  one was in the state of purity.

41  The weight of the head  and neck should be applied  to the place of sajdah so that the forehead is firmly stationed on the ground.

42 If one merely fell down after the i'tidal, this will not be regarded as sajdah. The person will have to return to i ' tidal and then go into sajdah. 

43 The minimal tashahhud is:
