Jumʿah (Friday) Prayer

The Conditions of Jumuʿah are Six: 1. The complete prayer be performed in the time of Zuhur. 2. It should be within a district of the town. 3. To per


Jumʿah (Friday) Prayer

To attend the   salah of Jumu ' ah is fard ' ayn (obligatory for any muslim male with exeption. It is the most virtues of salah, and its day, Jumu ' ah, is the best day of the week.


  1. The Conditions of Jumʿah
  2. The Pillars of the Two Sermons (Khutbahs)
  3. The Conditions for Delivering the Two Sermons (Khutbahs)
  4. Commentary and Notes
  5. Note: The Sunan of the Khuṭbah
  6. Back to: Islamic Shariah, Theology and Jurisprudence

The Conditions of Jumʿah

(فصل) شروط الجمعة ستة : أن تكون كلها في وقت الظهر وأن تقام في خطة البلد وأن تصلي جماعة وأن يكونوا أربعين أحرارا ذكورا بالغين مستوطنين وأن لا تسبقها ولا تقارنها جمعة في تلك البلد وأن يتقدمها خطبتان .

The Conditions of Jumuʿah are Six:

1. The complete prayer be performed in the time of Zuhur.
2. It should be within a district of the town.
3. To perform the prayer in congregation.
4. There should be forty free males who are mature andpermanent residents of the town.
5. No other congregation of Jumʿah in the same town should be offered either before it or at the same time
6. To deliver two sermons (khutbahs)   before the prayer.

The Pillars of the Two Sermons (Khutbahs)

 (فصل) أركان الخطبتين خمسة: حمد الله فيهما والصلاة على النبي صلى الله علية وسلم فيهما والوصية بالتقوى فيهما وقراءة آية من القرآن في أحداهما والدعاء للمؤمنين والمؤمنات في الأخيرة .

The Pillars of the Two Sermons (Khutbahs) are Five:

1. Praising Allah  in both the sermons (khuṭbahs).
2. Prayer upon Nabi  in both the sermons.
3. Enjoining taqwa in both the sermons.
4. Recitation of one verse of the Qurʾan in one of the sermons.
5. To pray (make duʿa) for the believers, males and females in the second sermon

The Conditions for Delivering the Two Sermons (Khutbahs)

(فصل) شروط الخطبتين عشرة : الطهارة عن الحدثين الأصغر والأكبر والطهارة عن النجاسة في الثوب والبدن والمكان وستر العورة والقيام على القادر والجلوس بينهما فوق طمأنينة الصلاة والموالاة بينهما وبين الصلاة وأن تكون بالعربية وأن يسمعها أربعون وأن تكون كلها في وقت الظهر 

The Conditions for Delivering the Two (Sermons) Khuṭbahs are Ten:

1. Purity from minor and major ritual impurities (hadas).
2. Purity from impurity on the clothes, body and place.
3. Covering the private parts (ʿawrah).
4. To stand; this applies to those who have the ability to.
5. To sit between the two khuṭbahs for the duration that one
pauses between two postures in ṣalāh.
6. Continuity between the two khuṭbahs
7. Continuity between the two khuṭbahs and the ṣalāh.13
8. The khuṭbah should be in the Arabic language.14
9. Forty people should hear the khuṭbah.15
10. It should be done in the time of Zuhur.

Commentary about Friday Prayer

1  To attend the   salah of Jumu ' ah is fard ' ayn. It is the most virtues of salah, and its day, Jumu ' ah, is the best day of the week.

2   If the j ama ' ah  commenced  the  Jumu ' ah   salah  late  and  they  doubt before commencing if they will be able to finish it within its time, then they must begin it as a Zuhr   salah.

3  In places where  there is no hardship  upon  anyone  to pray  at one location.

4 Permanent residents means that they live there and do not leave except when they need to. The minimum according to Imam Abu hanifah rahimahullah is three participants besides the imam.

5 There be no  other Jumu ' ah salah prior to or simultaneous with the takbirat al-ihram of  the salah. That jama ' ah  where the intention  was made later, will have to perform Zuhr   salah.

6 Saying  "Alhamdulillah "  (praise  be  to  Allah)  i.e.  this  particular utterance being prescribed.

7 Salah  upon  NabI    (Blessings  on  the  Prophet    ),  which  is also  a prescribed utterance.

8 Enjoining taqwa (fear of Allah    ), for which a particular expression is not prescribed, it being sufficient to say, "Obey Allah".

9 That  conveys  an  intended   meaning,   such  as  a  promise,   threat, exhortation, or similar.

10 The du'a must be for their akhirah (hereafter) as du'as for this world alone do not fulfil the integral of the khutbah.

11 If the khatib (speaker) breaks his wudu ' during khutbah, the khutbah has to be repeated. But there is no harm if the khatib breaks his wudu ' after delivering both the khutbahs and before performing   salah.

12 The khatib 's ' awrah (private parts) should be covered. However, this is not a condition for the listener (for the validity of the khutbah). Similarly, the conditions of purity, to be in the place of salah and to understand the khutbah are not conditions for the ma'mum.

13 The pause between these integrals should not be too long but should rather be according to the common understanding of  people  and  not more than the shortest two rak ' ahs of salah.

14 All the integrals of the khutbah shold be in the Arabic Language.

15 Forty people including an imam.

Note: The Sunan of the Khuṭbah: 

The Khāṭib (speaker) should stand on a minbar (pulpit) or a high place and that it be to the right of the miḥrab (prayer niche) and that the khāṭib stand on the right side of the minbar.

The khāṭib says, “Assalāmu ʿalaykum” to those present when he enters the masjid and again when he ascends the minbar and reaches his seat there.

The khāṭib sits until the muadhdhīn has completed the second adhān.

When speaking, the khāṭib should lean on a sword, bow or stick which is in his left hand. It is desirable for him to put his other hand on the minbar. If he does not have a sword or the like, he keeps his hand still by placing the right upon the left, or dropping them to his sides. He does not move them or fidget with one, as the aim is stillness and humility.

The khāṭib face the jamāʿah during both khuṭbahs and should not turn to the right or left during the khuṭbahs, for it is a reprehensible innovation. It is desirable for the listener to face the khāṭib.
