Prayer Jamaʿ Taqdīm, Ta’khir, Qashar for Traveler

Prayer Jamaʿ Taqdīm, Ta’khir, Qashar for Traveler The Conditions of Jamaʿ Taqdīm are Four: To begin with the first ṣalāh Performing them consecutively

 Prayer Jamaʿ Taqdīm, Ta’khir, Qashar for Traveler


  1. The Conditions of Jamaʿ Taqdīm
  2. The Conditions of Jamaʿ Ta’khir
  3. The Conditions of Qashar
  4. Commentary on Jama' Taqdim, Ta'khir and Qashr
  5. Back to: Islamic Shariah, Theology and Jurisprudence

The Conditions of Jamaʿ Taqdīm

(فصل) شروط جمع التقديم أربعة : البداءة بالأولى ونية الجمع والموالاة بينهما ودوام العذر .

The Conditions of Jamaʿ Taqdīm [92] are Four:

1. To begin with the first ṣalāh.93
2. To intend joining the ṣalāhs. 94
3. Performing them consecutively. 95
4. The continuity of the excuse. 96

The Conditions of Jamaʿ Ta’khir

(فصل) شروط جمع التأخير إثنان : نية التأخير وقد بقي من وقت الأولى مايسعها ودوام العذر إلى تمام الثانية .

The Conditions of Jamaʿ Taʾkhīr are Two:

1. To have the intention of delaying a prayer up-to after its time and to have this intention in its proper time.97
2. The remaining of the excuse until the completion of the second prayer

The Conditions of Qashar

(فصل) شروط القصر سبعة : أن يكون سفره مرحلتين وأن يكون مباحا والعلم بجواز القصر ونيه القصر عند الإحرام وأن لايقتدي بمتم في جزء من صلاتة .

The Conditions of Qashar (to shorten the prayer)98 are Seven:

1. His journey should be at least two marhalahs 99  (approximately 81 kilometers one way).
2. The journey should be a permissible one in Sharīʿah.100
3. Knowledge of the permissibility of qashar.
4. Intention of qashar during takbīrat al-iḥrām.101
5. The prayer should be a four rakʿahs prayer
6. The continuity of travel till the completion of the two rakʿah prayer.102
7. That he should not follow one who is performing prayer completely in any portion of his prayer

Commentary on Jama' Taqdim, Jamak Ta'khir, and Qashar

92 It is permissible to join Zuhr alah and ' Asr alah during the time of either of them. Similarly it is permissible to join the Maghrib alah and Isha alah, provided  one joins  them  during  a journey  in which  alah may be shortened or because of severe rain.

93 If one prays the second of the two  alahs before the first, then that salah is invalid and must be repeated after the first, if one still wants to join them.

94 That the intention to join the two alahs occurs before finishing the first, either coinciding with  the  takblrat  al-iflram  or occurring  during the salah.

95 Nt to pause at length between them.

96 That continues until one finishes both salahs.

97  To make the intention before the end. of the first   alah's time by an interval which could contain at least one rak ' ah. If one neglects this intention, one has sinned, and praying the first alah during the second alah's time is considered qada ' .

98 It is permissible to shorten  the  Zuhr,  ' Asr,  and  Isha  salah  to  two rak ' ahs each. To shorten the salah of a musafir (except a sailor and a perpetual traveller) is more virtuous if the journey reaches three marhalahs.

99 The journey 's destination must be known. If a wife travelling with her husband or a soldier with his leader does not know the destination, they may not shorten their salah as long as they have not yet travelled the distance that permits shortening. When they have travelled it, then only may they shorten it. If they know the destination and the journey meets the condition, then they may shorten their salahs from the beginning of the journey.

100 Travelling for a reason that is not disobedience to Allah    as there is no concession to shorten salah on such a journey.

101  It not being valid if made after takblrat al-iflram.

102  The  salah takes place from start to finish while on the journey.  If one's vehicle  arrives  before  the   salah  is completed,  one  will  have  to perform the full   salah.
