The Conditions of the Prayer

The Conditions of the Prayer 1. Purity from the two ritual impurities.5 2. Purity of the clothing, the body,6 and the place7 (of performing prayer).

The Conditions of the Prayer

One starts to make the takbfrat al-ihram with the intention in the heart. It is mustabab  to recite the du 'a iftitah after the takbirat al-ihram.


  1. The Valid Excuses for Delaying Prayer
  2. The Conditions of the Prayer
  3. Ritual Impurities (Hadas)
  4. Types of Private parts
  5. The Pillars of the Prayer 
  6. Description of the Prayer (salah)
  7. Commentary and Notes
  8. Back to Islamic Sharia: Law and Theology

The Valid Excuses for Delaying Prayer

(فصل ) أعذار الصلاة اثنان : النوم والنسيان .


The Valid Excuses for Delaying the Prayer from its Prescribed Time are Two:1

1. Sleep2
2. forgetfulness.3

The Conditions of the Prayer

(فصل) شروط الصلاة ثمانية : طهارة الحدثين والطهارة عن النجاسة في الثوب والبدن والمكان وستر العورة واستقبال القبلة ودخول الوقت والعلم بفريضتة وأن لايعتقد فرضا من فروضها سنة واجتناب المبطلات .4


The Conditions of the ṣalāh are Eight:

1. Purity from the two ritual impurities.5
2. Purity of the clothing, the body,6 and the place7 (of performing prayer).
3. Covering the ʿawrah (private parts).8
4. Facing the qiblah.9
5. The commencement of the time of prayer.10
6. Knowledge of it being farḍ.
7. Not to regard any of its farḍ acts as sunnah.11
8. To abstain from those factors that nullifies the prayer.

Ritual Impurities (Hadas)

الأحداث اثنان : أصغر وأكبر . فالأصغر ماأوجب الوضوء . والأكبر ماأوجب الغسل *

Ritual Impurities are of two types: (1) minor ritual impurities and (2) major ritual impurities.
(1) A minor ritual impurity is that which makes wuḍūʾ wājib
(2) a major impurity is that which is makes bath wājib

Types of Private parts

العورات أربع : عورة الرجل مطلقا والأمة في الصلاة ما بين السرة والركبة . 

The ʿAwrahs (Private parts) are Four Types:

1. The ʿawrah of a man generally12 and that of a slave-girl in ṣalāh is the area between the navel and the knees.13
2. The ʿawrah of a free woman in ṣalāh includes the whole body except the face and the two palms.
3. The ʿawrah of a free woman and that of a slave girl in the presence of a stranger is the entire body.
4. The ʿawrah of a free woman and a slave girl in the presence of a mahram (unmarriageable kin) or women is the area between the navel and the knees..

The Pillars of the Prayer

(فصل ) أركان الصلاة سبعة عشر : الأول النية ،الثاني تكبيرة الإحرام ، الثالث القيام على القادر في الفرض ،الرابع قراءة الفاتحة ، الخامس الركوع ، السادس الطمأنينة فية ، السابع الإعتدال ،الثامن الطمأنينة فيه ، التاسع السجود مرتين ،العاشر الطمأنينة فية ، الحادي عشر الجلوس بين السجدتين ، الثاني عشر الطمأنينة فية ،الثالث عشر التشهد الأخير ،الرابع عشر القعود فيه ،الخامس عشر : الصلاة على النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم ،السادس عشر السلام ،السابع عشر الترتيب .

The Pillars of the prayer are Seventeen:

1. Intention.14
2. Takbirat al-iḥram (The opening statement: “Allahu Akbar”)15
3. Standing in the fard prayer for those who have the ability.16
4. Recitation of Surah al-Fatihah.17
5. Rukuʿ (bowing).18
6. Remaining motionless for a moment therein (rukuʿ).
7. Iʿtidāl (Straightening up after rukuʿ).19
8. Remaining motionless for a moment therein (iʿtidāl)
9. Two sajdahs (prostrations).20
10. Remaining motionless for a moment therein (sajdah).
11. Sitting between the two sajdahs.21
12. Remaining motionless for a moment therein (sitting).
13. Recite tashahhud at the end of ṣalāh.
14. Sitting therein (tashahhud).
15. Ṣalāh upon Nabi therein (tashahhud).
16. Salām.22
17. To follow the sequence (of the above integral postures of ṣalāh).

Note: Description of the  salah:

Sunan Before Commencing the   salah:
To stand for the salah after the completion of the iqamah, to be in the first row,  to make  the row straight, especially for the imam when he should enjoin upon the jama'ah to do so and to fill up the first row first, then the second, and so on.

Commencing the   salah:
Sunan Before Commencing the   salah:
To stand for the salah after the completion of the iqamah, to be in the first row,  to make  the row straight, especially for the imam when he should enjoin upon the jama ' ah to do so and to fill up the first row first, then the second, and so on.

Commencing the   salah:
One starts to make the takbfrat al-ihram with the intention in the heart. It is mustabab  to recite the du 'a iftitah after the takbirat al-ihram.

After  the  du'a  iftitah ,   it   is   mustabab (preferable)   to   recite   the ta'awwudh. Ta 'awwudh is mustabab in every rak'ah and more emphasized  in the  first rak' ah. Then  a person  recites  Surah  al­ Fatilhah in every rak ' ah and the basmsalah is one of its verses. One says ''Amrn" at the end of the al-Fatil)ah, when following an imam, one says "Amin"  when he does, and then a second time when he completes his own recital of the al-Fatil)ah.

If one is the imam or praying alone, it is mustal)ab in the first and second rak ' ah only to recite one complete surah even if it be short after the al-Fatil)ah. It is mustabab to recite the Qur' an in a tartil (distinct and pleasant way) observing the rules of tajwid and to reflect upon its meanings and lessons. One recites a longer siirah in the first rak' ah than in the second.

Then one makes ruku' (bows) from the waist. The best way is to raise one's hands and say, "Allahu akbar" so that a person begins raising the hands as  he starts the takbir and  when  the hands are at shoulder level, he bows. It is mustal)ab to prolong the words of takbir until one reaches the posture of ruku ' .

Then one makes i 'tidal (straightening up), the best way is to raise the hand lifting them from the knees as one  starts straightening up, raising them to shoulder level and the head together, saying, "sami 'allahu liman l:zamidah." When one is standing upright, one says, "Rabbana lakal hamd."

Then one makes sajdah (prostrates), the best way is to say, "Allahu Akbar," and to put the knees down first, then the hands, and then the forehead and nose, keeping the hands directly under one's shoulders, with the fingers together, extended towards the direction of qiblah, and the hands  uncovered.  For  men  to maintain a one span gap between the two knees and two  feet whilst women keep them together. For men to keep the stomach away from the thighs, and forearms from the sides, whilst women keep them together, and to recite "tasblh" three times. It is commendable to supplicate before Allah      while prostrating.

Then one raises the head and sits before prostrating a second time, the best way is to say, "Allahu akbar," as one raises the head, to sit in "iftirash," which is to place the left foot on its side and to sit upon it while keeping the right foot on the bottom of its toes, heel up. To place both one's hands on the thighs near the knees,  fingers extended  and  held together  and to recite  the du ' a, "Rabbighfirlf,  war(zamnz,  wajburnz,  warfa 'nz,  warzuqnz, wahdinz, wa 'afinz, wa 'fu 'annl."

Then one prostrates again just as before and after this one raises the head, saying, "Allahu akbar," as one first raises it, prolonging the takbir until one is standing upright.

It is sunnah, here and in each rak ' ah that is not followed by the tashahhud, to briefly rest in the iftirash style of sitting before rising. Then one rises, supported by both hands, palms down, and prolonging the takbir until standing. This is called ''jilsat al­ istirahah"  and is not done after "sajdah al-tilawah".
Then one performs the second rak ' ah of the salah just like the first, except for the initial intention, the takblrat al-ifzram, and dua iftitah.

If one's salah exceeds two rak'ahs, one sits in iftirash  after the first two rak ' ahs and recites the tashahhud and the salah upon the Nabi ' but not upon his family (which is done in the final tashahhud). Then one rises, saying, "Allahu  akbar,"  and supported on one's hands as before. When  standing, one raises the hands to shoulder level (which one does here, but not after rising form the first or third rak ' ah), and then goes on to perform the remainder of the salah as one did in the second rak ' ah, except that one recites the al-Fatil)ah to oneself and does not recite a siirah after it.

One sits at the end of one's salah for the last tashahhud in the "tawarruk" style of sitting, with one left posterior on the ground and left foot on its side, emerging from under  the right, which is vertical.
In the two tashahhuds, the left hand rests on the left thigh near the knee, its fingers extended and held together. The right hand is similarly placed, but is held closed with its thumb touching the side of the index finger, which alone is  left extended. One raises the index finger and points with it when one says the words, "illallah," in the tashahhud.

Closing the  salah:
Then one says the final "salam". The best way is to say, "Assalamu 'alaykum waral:zmatullah," and to turn the head to the right enough to show the right cheek to those behind. One thereby intends to finish the salah and intends to make salam to the Angels and Muslims whether human or jinn  on  the  right. Then turns one's head to the left and repeat the salam, intending to greet those on the left. The follower may intend one of the salams to be a response to the salam of the imam.

It is mustal)ab to make dhikr and du'a silently after salah. Al-Imam al-Shafi 'I mentioned in al-Umm, "I prefer that  the imam and follower make dhikr after the salam, and do so silently, unless the imam wants to be learned from, in which case he says the dhikr aloud until he believes that the congregation has learned from him, after which he will say it silently."

The imam turns for dhikr and du ' a so that his right side is towards the jama ' ah and his left side towards the qiblah. He leaves his place as soon as he finishes. If there are no women (in which case he waits for them to leave first). It is mustal)ab for the followers to remain seated until the imam stands.


Notes and Commentaries

1 A third excuse is for a person who delayed the alah to combine two alahs during a journey.

2 A  person  was  asleep  before  the  time  of    alah  commenced   and remained asleep until the time ended. When any alah is due but not yet performed, and one wishes to lie down for a while and he is certain to awaken in time to carry out this duty, it will be makrah for him to sleep or lie down. However, if he is not at all certain as to whether he will wake up in time or not, it is haram.

3 A person forgot that he did not perform the salah and only remembered after the time of alah expired. This should not be due to unmindfulness due to engrossment in playing chess etc. in which  case he will be sinful.

4 The author does not mention Islam and M umayyidh as a condition because they are well known.

5    Purification   from  minor   and   major   ritual   impurity   ( hadath   and janabah through wud11' and ritual bath respectively as well as from haid and nifas).

6  One's   alah is invalid  if one is holding the end of a rope connected with something impure.

7 One's alah is valid if performed on the pure portion of a rug which is affected with some impurities, even if the rug or bed moves when one moves. The principle is that it is not permissible for a person in alah to support or carry any impurity but it is permissible for him to be supported by it, provided he is not in direct contact with the impurity.

8 It is a necessary condition that the clothing prevents the colour of the skin from being exposed and covers the  ' awrah from all sides including above. It is not necessary to cover the ' awrah from below. A thin garment through which the colour of the skin is visible is not sufficient.

9 This is a necessary condition for the five fard salah which must be performed while facing the proper direction of qiblah whether a person is a musafir (traveller) or a muqim (non-traveller), riding in a vehicle or not. A musafir may perform sunnah salah without facing the direction of qiblah.

10 A person must be certain about the commencement of the  time of salah. If a person is uncertain about the commencement of the time of the salah which he has performed, that particular salah will not  be correct, even if the salah was in fact carried out in its required time, unless he applies his ijtihad (discretion) to determine the time of  the salah, in which case it will be correct. If he applies ijtihad and the salah was carried out before or after the time of the salah, the salah performed will be considered a qada ' salah if he has  qada '  salah  in  his responsibility otherwise it will be considered a nafl salah.

11 A person 's salah is not invalidated if he thinks that all of the actions in salah are fard.

12 Men includes young boys, even if they are not yet of the age of understanding. It generally means in all conditions; whether in alah or outside salah.

13 The knees and the navel themselves are not part of the  ' awrah, but it is wajib  to cover them in order to fulfil the command  of covering the ' awrah completely.

14 To make intention in the heart is wajib and mustab.ab to utter it with the tongue. The intention should be simultaneous with the takblrat al­ iflram and remains till the completion of the takbir.

15   Takblrat  al-ihram   can  only  be  in  Arabic  with  the  word,  "Allahu akbar," or "Allahul akbar". The minimal valid  audibility  is that it can be heard through  normal hearing. The imam calls out the takblr aloud every time in  alah. It is mustab.ab to raise the hands from the beginning of the takblrat al-iflram to shoulder level, meaning that one's fingertips are even with the tip of the ears, thumbs with the earlobes, and palms with one's shoulders, fingers slightly outspread, the palms face the direction of qiblah and the hands are uncovered  (i.e. not hidden beneath a shawl). After the takbir, one places the hands below the  chest and above the navel, grasping the left wrist with the right hand , and fixing one's  gaze  on  the  place  where  one 's  forehead   will  prostrate.   The complete takblrat al-iflram  must be made while standing.

16 Standing is a rukn (integral) in all fard   alah for one who can stand, whether by himself or assisted by another, however it is not a rukn in nafl alah. Standing requires that the spine be straight. One is  not standing if one leans so forward that the backbone is no longer straight, or bends so that one is closer to ruku ' (bowing) than to standing.

17  Surah al-Fatihah can be recited  from memory or by looking into the mushaf  etc.  It  is wajib  to  recite  it  in  every  rak ' ah  of    alah  whether loudly or silently, whether an imam, a follower or alone.

18 The best method is to raise one's hands and say, "Allahu Akbar"  so that a person  begins raising the hands as he starts the takbir and when the hands are at shoulder level, he bows. It is mustahab  to prolong the words of takbir until one reaches the next posture in every takbir so that no part of the alah is without dhikr. Thereafter, the hands are placed on the knees, fingers apart, with back and neck extended, leg straight and elbows out, although women keep them close, then one recites tasbih three times.

19  The i ' tidal is to return  to the posture  one was in before  the  ruku ' , whether  one was  standing  or  sitting. It is wajib  to intend  nothing  by one's movement  except i ' tidal.

20  In every rak ' ah.

21 In every rak ' ah and to intend nothing but sitting by one's movement.

22 Ending the salah with salam.  Someone who is not a masbuq (latecomer) to a jama ' ah alah may sit as long as he wishes after the imam's salam to supplicate, finishing with his own salam whenever he wishes.

