The Fasting (Shaum) of Ramadan

Fasting of Ramaḍān Becomes Compulsory With the Attainment of One of Five Things: 1. On completion of thirty days of Shaʿban. 2. By sighting the moon

 The Fasting (Shaum) of Ramadan


  1. The Fasting (Shaum) of Ramadan
  2. The Conditions for the Validity of Fasting
  3. The Conditions for Fasting Becoming Compulsary
  4. The Pillars of Fasting of Ramadan
  5. Major Kaffārah (Expiation) and Specified Punishment
  6. Things that Nullify the Fast
  7. The Breaking of the Fast
  8. The Types of Breaking the Fast
  9. The Types of Not Breaking the Fast
  10. Notes and Commentary
  11. Back to: Islamic Shariah, Theology and Jurisprudence

The Fasting (Shaum) of Ramadan

(فصل) يجب صوم رمضان بأحد أمور خمسة : (أحدها ) بكمال شعبان ثلاثين يوما (وثانيها) برؤية الهلال في حق من رآه وان كان فاسقا (وثالثا) بثبوته في حق من لم يره بعدل شهادة (ورابعا) بإخبار عدل رواية موثوق به سواء وقع في القلب صدق أم لا أوغيره موثوق به إن وقع في القلب صدقه (وخامسها) بظن دخول رمضان بالإجتهاد فيمن اشتبه عليه ذلك .

Fasting of Ramaḍān Becomes Compulsory With the Attainment of One of Five Things:

1. On completion of thirty days of Shaʿban.
2. By sighting the moon for the person who sees it, even though he is a fāsiq (sinner).
3. The testimony of a just person (non-fāsiq) for those who do not sight it.
4. The informing of a just person whose information is reliable, whether the heart is inclined to it being or not, and also with the information of an unreliable source if one is inclined to it being true.
5. With the perception that Ramaḍān has commenced (this is) for that person who is doubtful of it.

The Conditions for the Validity of Fasting

(فصل) شروط صحته أربعة أشياء : إسلام وعقل ونقاء من نحو حيض وعلم بكون الوقت قبلا للصوم .

The Conditions for the Validity of Fasting are Four:

1. Islām .
2. Sane.
3. Purity from haiḍ (menstruation).
4. Knowledge of its appropriate time.

The Conditions for Fasting Becoming Compulsary

(فصل) شروط وجوبه خمسة اشياء : اسلام وتكليف وإطاقة وصحه وإقامة .

The Conditions for Fasting Becoming Compulsary are Five:

1. Islam .
2. Mukallaf (reaching the age of puberty and sanity).
3. Ability.
4. Health.
5. Muqim (non traveller)

The Pillars of Fasting of Ramadan

(فصل) أركانه ثلاثة أشياء: نية ليلا لكل يوم في الفرض وترك مفطر ذاكرا مختارا غير جاهل معذور وصائم .

The Pillars of Fasting of Ramadan are Three:

1. To make an intention at night for each day of the farḍ (fast).
2. To refraining from intentionally doing things which break the fast, for the one who is conscious of his fast and is not ignorant.
3. The fasting person himself

Major Kaffārah (Expiation) and Specified Punishment

(فصل) يجب مع القضاء للصوم الكفارة العظمى والتعزير على من أفسد صومه في رمضان يوما كاملا بجماع تام آثم به للصوم

Major kaffārah (expiation) and specified punishment are compulsory, together with making-up the fast for he who breaks his fast of Ramaḍān a complete day by having complete intercourse in which he becomes sinner in his fast.

ويجب مع القضاء الإمساك للصوم في ستة مواضع:الأول في رمضان لافي غيره على متعد بفطره، والثاني على تارك النية ليلا في الفرض، والثالث على من تسحر ظانا بقاء الليل فبان خلافة أيضا ، والرابع على من افطر ظانا الغروب فبان خلافه ايضا ، والخامس على من بان له يوم ثلاثين من شعبان أنه من رمضان ، والسادس على من سبقه ماء المبالغة من مضمضة واستنشاق 

 There are six situations in which it is compulsory for one to abstain from things which break the fast and also necessitate the making-up of that fast later.

1. Breaking his fast with a wrong act from his side in the month of Ramaḍān only.
2. Upon one who omits the intention at night for the farḍ fast.
3. Upon one who has sahur (a meal before dawn) thinking that the night still remains, but it was not so.
4. Upon one who breaks the fast thinking that the sun has set but it was not so.
5. Upon one who has reckoned the 30th of Shaʿbān to be the first of Ramaḍān.
6. Upon one who was excessive in gargling and in putting water into the nostrils to such an extent that the water goes down the throat.

 Things that Nullify the Fast

(فصل) يبطل الصوم : بردة وحيض ونفاس أو ولادة وجنون ولو لحظة وبإغماء وسكر تعدى به إن عمَّا جميع النهار

Fasting is nullified 

1. with apostasy,
2. menstruation,
3. postnatal bleeding,
4. childbirth,
5. insanity even for a moment,
6. unconsciousness and unlawful intoxicants if they last for the entire day.

The Breaking of the Fast

(فصل) الإفطار في رمضان أربعة انواع: واجب كما في الحائض والنفساء، وجائز كما في المسافر والمريض ولاولاكما في المجنون، ومحرم كمن أخر قضاء رمضان تمكنه حتى ضاق الوقت عنه .

The Breaking of the Fast in Ramaḍan are Four Types (In Respect to Rulings):

1. Wājib (compulsory), like for a woman who experiences menstruation (haiḍ) and postnatal bleeding.
2. Permissible, like a traveller and a sick person.
3. That which is neither wājib nor permissible, like insanity.
4. Ḥarām, like he who delays the making-up of Ramaḍān despitehaving the capability to do so, until the time does not permit it

The Types of Breaking the Fast

فَصْلٌ وأقسام الإفطار أربعة : أيضا ما يلزم فية القضاء والفدية وهو اثنان:الأول الإفطار لخوف على غيرة ، والثاني الإفطار مع تأخير قضاء مع إمكانه حتى يأتي رمضان آخر ، وثانيها مايلزم فية القضاء دون الفدية وهو يكثر كمغمى علية ، وثالثهما ما يلزم فيه الفدية دون القضاء وهوشيخ كبير ، ورابعها لا ولا وهو المجنون الذي لم يتعد بجنونه .

The Types of Breaking the Fast are Four:

1. The things that make qaḍāʾ and fidyah wājib are two:

First, Breaking the fast due to the fear of harm for others.

Second, Breaking the fast and thereafter delaying to make-up for it until the next Ramaḍān comes.

2. Those for which qaḍāʾ is compulsory but not the fidyah, like one who is unconscious.
3. Those for which fidyah is compulsory but not the qaḍāʾ, like a very old man.
4. That which is neither wājib nor permissible, like the insane person who’s insanity is not caused by transgression.

The Types of Not Breaking the Fast

(فصل) الذي لا يفطِر مما يصل إلى الجوف سبعة أفراد : مايصل إلى الجوف بنسيان أو جهل أو إكراة وبجريان ريق بما بين أسنانه وقد عجز عن مجه لعذره وما وصل إلى الجوف وكان غبار طريق ، وما وصل إلية وكان غربلة دقيق ، أوذبابا طائرا أو نحوه .

The Things Which by Reaching the Stomach, Do Not Break the Fast are Seven:

1. That which reaches the body cavity20 out of forgetfulness,
2. ignorance
3. or force.
4. The mixing of saliva with what is between the teeth22 and he is unable to discharge it, he is therefore excused.
5. The dust of the road which reaches to the body cavity.

6. The dust of sifted flour which reach the body cavity. 

7. or flies etc. which reach the body cavity.


والله اعلم بالصواب نسأل الله الكريم بجاه نبيه الوسيم، أن يخرجني من الدنيا مسلما، ووالدي وأحبائي ومن إلي انتمي، وان يغفر لي ولهم مقحمات ولمما ، وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد بن عبد الله بن عبد المطلب بن هاشم بن عبد مناف رسول الله إلى كافة الخلق رسول الملاحم ،حبيب الله الفاتح الخاتم ،وآله وصحبه أجمعين والحمد لله رب العالمين .

تم بعون الله تعالى متن سفينة النجا
Notes and Commentary
1 For those who do not see it, it only becomes wajib when the sighting is established by the testimony of an upright witness.
2 The testimony of a single witness that the new moon has been seen is sufficient to establish  that the month of Ramadan has come, provided the witness is upright (male, and responsible for the duties  of  Islam which excludes boys who have reached the age of discernment but not puberty) and together with the decree of the ruler.
3 If it is difficult to learn which month it is, for someone imprisoned or the like such as someone being held in a dark place who cannot tell night from day, or someone who does not know when Ramadan  has come because of being in a land without habituations or people who know when it is, then such a person is obliged to reckon Ramadan as best as he can and to fast it. Such a fast is valid if it remains unknown as to whether the month fasted actually coincided with Ramadan,  or if it did coincide with it, or if the month fasted occurred after it, though if the month fasted was before Ramadan, it is not valid.
4 A non-Muslim will not be asked to fast nor would it be valid if he did, though he is punished in the next life for not doing so.
5  A woman whose period ends during a day of Ramadan is mustahab to fast the rest of the day and is wajib to make-up the fast and the fast-days prior to it when missed during her period or postnatal bleeding.

6 A child of seven is ordered to fast, and at ten is beaten for not fasting (not severely, but so to discipline the child, and not more than three blows).
7  One is capable of bearing  the fast.  Someone whom  fasting  exhausts because of advanced years or having an illness from which he is unlikely to recover are not required to fast.
8  The  illness  that  permits  not  fasting  being  that  which  fasting  would worsen, delay recovery from, or cause one considerable harm with, the same dispensation applying to someone who needs to take medicine during the day that breaks the fast and that he can not delay taking until night.
9 It is permissible not to fast when traveling, even when the intention to fast has been made the night before, provided that the journey is at least 80.64 km one way, and that one leaves town before dawn. If one leaves after dawn, one is not entitled to omit the fast. It is preferable for travellers not to fast if fasting would harm them, though if not, then fasting is better.
10 The legal occasion of the offense is the particular day of fasting, so that if it were committed on two separate days, two separate expiations would be necessary, though if it were committed twice in one day there would be only one expiation.
The expiation consist of freeing a sound Muslim slave, or if not possible, then to fast the days of two consecutive months. If this is not possible, then the expiation is to feed sixty poor persons (509 grams of food to each poor person). If one is unable to do this, the expiation remains as an unperformed  obligation upon the person concerned. The woman with whom intercourse is performed is not obliged  to expiate it.
11  Wajib to fast the remainder of the day.
12  Like a person who is intoxicated from the night until the morning of Ramadan, it is binding for him to abstain from things which break the fast and also to recover that fast later.

13  It is best to hasten breaking the fast when one is certain that the sun has set.
14 If some water slips down when a lot has not been used, it does not break the fast.

15 Someone obliged to make-up some fast-days of Ramadan is recommended to do so consecutively and immediately. It is not permissible for a person with some unperformed  fast-days of Ramadan to delay making them up until the next Ramadan unless  there  is  an excuse for delaying.
16 One must pay 509 grams of food to the poor for each fast-day missed, in addition to making it up.
17  A woman who is breast-feeding a baby or is pregnant and apprehends harm to herself or her child may omit the  fast and make it up later, though if she omits it because of fear of harm for the child alone not for herself then she must give 509 grams of food in charity for each day missed as an expiation in addition to making-up each day.
18 When making-up, if a fast-day is delayed until a second Ramadan comes, then one must pay an additional 509 grams to be paid for that day.
19 A person who is forced, his fast will not break because he is not responsibled for what he has been forced to do.

20 Through an open passage-way
21  The deliberate intake of anything besides  air or saliva into the body cavity breaks the fast.
22  Food  etc. provided  this is after having cleaned  between  them after eating, by using a toothpick or the like between them.