The Types of Impurities that Can Be Purified

The Types of Impurities (najasah, najis) that Can Be Purified Three Types of Impurities That Can Be Purified: Wine, dead animal, skin of dead animal
The Types of Impurities that Can Be Purified


  1. The Types of Impurities that Can Be Purified
  2. Three Types of Impurities
  3. How to Purify the Impurities
  4. The Menstrual and  Postnatal Bleeding Period
  5. Commentary and Notes
  6. Back to Islamic Sharia: Law and Theology

The Types of Impurities that Can Be Purified:

(فصل ) الذي يظهر من النجاسة ثلاثة : الخمر إذا تخللت بنفسها . وجلد الميتة إذا دبغ وما صارا حيوانا .

Three Types of Impurities That Can Be Purified:

1. Wine53 that becomes vinegar on its own.54
2. The hide of a dead animal that is tanned.55
3. Creatures that are born out of filth.56

 Three Types of Impurities

(فصل) النجاسة ثلاثه : مغلظة ومخففة ومتوسطة . المغلظة : نجاسة الكلب والخنزير وفرع أحدهما . والمخففة : بول الصبي الذي لم يطعم غير اللبن ولم يبلغ الحولين. والمتوسطة : سائر النجاسات.


1. Mughallazah (heavy).
2. Mukhaffafah (light).
3. Mutawassiṭah (moderate).
Heavy impurity is the impurity from a dog, pig, or their offspring.

Light impurity is the urine of a baby (boy) which only feeds on milk57 and is not yet two years of age.58
All other remaining impurities are moderate impurities.59

How to Purify the Impurities

(فصل ) المغلظة : تطهر بسبع غسلات بعد إزالة عينها ،إحداهن بتراب . والمخففة : تطهر برش الماء عليها مع الغلبة وإزالة عينها .

والمتوسطة تنقسم إلى قسمين: عينية وحكميه . العينية : التي لها لون وريح وطعم فلا بد من إزالة لونها وريحها وطعمها . والحكمية : التي لا لون لها ولا ريح ولاطعم لها يكفيك جري الماء عليها .


Heavy impurity becomes pure by removing it and then washing it seven times,60 one of which should be with earth.61

Light impurity will be purified by removing the actual impurity and sprinkling adequate water upon it (the amount of water sprinkled should be greater than the amount of

Moderate impurity is of two kinds: (1) that which has a substance and (2) that without a substance.

1. That which has a substance is that which has a colour, smell and taste. It is necessary to remove its colour, smell and taste.62
2. The one which has no substance is the one that does not have a colour, smell and taste. It is sufficient that water flows over it.63

The Menstrual and  Postnatal Bleeding Period

(فصل) أقل الحيض : يوم وليله وغالبة ستة أوسبع وأكثره خمسة عشرة يوما بلياليها . أقل الطهر بين الحيضتين خمسة عشرة يوما وغالبه أربعة وعشرون يوما أو ثلاثة وعشرون يوما ولاحد لأكثرة .أقل النفاس مجة وغالبة أربعون يوما وأكثرة ستون يوما.


1. The minimum menstrual period is a day and a night.64

2. It generally lasts for six or seven days  and the maximum period is 15 days and nights.65 

3. The minimum interval of purity between two menstruations is 15 days.  Generally it lasts for 23 or 24 days and there is no maximum limit to the number of days between two menstruations.

4. The minimum postnatal bleeding is a single discharge of blood. Generally it lasts for 40 days  and the maximum period is 60 days.


Commentary about Impurities

53 Wine or any liquid intoxicant is impure, but solid intoxicants are pure although they are unlawful to take, eat or drink.

54 "On its own" without anything being mixed with it. If anything was mixed with the wine before it became vinegar, then turning it to vinegar does not purify it.

55  Tanning means removing from a hide all excess blood, fat, hair, and so forth by using an acrid substance, even if be impure. Other measures such as using salt, earth, or sunlight, are insufficient. Hides of dog or pig cannot be purified by tanning. Any hair that remains after tanning has not been purified. However, a little is excusable.

56 Such as worms that grow in carrion.

57  Whether the milk of his mother or an animal's milk, pure or impure, it will not change the ruling of it being considered a light impurity.

58  Making "tahnik" (introducing  something sweet, such as a date, into the  mouth  of  a  newborn  child)  or  giving  a  child  medicine  will  not change the ruling.

59  Example of  a moderate  impurity:  urine,  excreta, blood,  pus, vomit, wine, any liquid intoxicant, wadi, madhi, slaughtered animals that may not be eaten, unslaughtered dead animals (other than aquatic life, locusts or human beings), the milk of animals that may not be eaten (other than human), the hair of unslaughtered dead animals and the hair of animals that may not be eaten (other than human) when separated from them during their life.

60 Something that becomes impure by contact and that is restricted to contamination by traces of moisture from dog or pig, whether saliva, urine or anything moist from them, or any of their dry parts that have become moist. If something dry such as the animal's breath or hair touches a person, it need only be removed.

61 Earth cannot be substituted with something else like soap or detergent etc.

62 It is wajib to remove all of  its taste, even if it be difficult, and to remove  both  colour  and  smell if  not  difficult.  If any  of  the  smell  or colour alone is difficult to remove, then the fact that one of these two remains does not affect the purity. However, if  both  the  colour  and smell remain in a spot, it is not considered pure.

63 If the effects of sun, fire, or wind remove the traces of the impurity, the ground is still not pure until water has been poured over it.

64 It the blood ceases to flow in less than twenty-four hours, then it is not considered haid (menstruation) and the woman  must make-up  the alah she omitted during it. If it ceases at  twenty-four  hours,  within fifteen days, or between the two (the blood discharged discontinuously within  15 days and the duration of the blood discharged is 24 hours or more), then it is haid.

65 If it exceeds fifteen days, then she is a woman with istihadah (chronic vaginal discharge).
