English Translation of Aqida al-Awam
Name of kitab: Translation of Aqidah al-Awam (Aqidat Al-Awam)
of origin: Matn Aqidat al-Awam (Principle of Sunni Theology)
Shaikh Ahmad Marzuki al-Maliki
Born: Sinbat, Egypt, 1791 AD
Died: Makkah, 1846 AD
Field of study: Theology
of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Sunni Ash'ariyah)
About the Book of Aqida al-Awam
Aqidah al-'Awam is composed of 57 nazm (poetry from Parsi, consisting of twelve lines, rhymes two or two or four-four). This book has been translated into various languages, including Javanese and Indonesian.
The classic 'Aqidah al-'Awam book plays an important role in the academic circles in the educational environment of Islamic boarding schools (Geertz, 1976:104; Suryo,2000:64)). The Book of Tawheed 'Aqidah al-'Awam is one of the most important materials because the subject of tawheed is related to faith (Thohir. 2009:59). This is a provision for the students within the framework of their understanding of God and faith in angels, prophets/messengers, holy books, and others.
The background of the problem above provides an illustration of the importance
of the book 'Aqidah al-'Awam to be known, reviewed and studied. In order
for this study to focus on the subject matter and have a clear locus, it is
necessary to raise the problem studied and the context of the location
of this research. Specifically , this research locus of Al-Ihya 'Ulumaddin
Islamic Boarding School Cilacap, so that learning, which is meant in this
study, is learning in the pesantren. There are several point observed in this
study, 1) What is the content of the book 'Aqidah al-'Awam taught in Al-Ihya
'Ulumaddin Islamic Boarding School of Cilacap? and; 2) How is the
intertextual study of the contents of the book 'Aqidah al-'Awam by Sayyid
Ahmad Al-Marzuqi.
Text of Aqidah al-Awam Arabic English Translation
أَبـْدَأُ بِـاسْمِ اللهِ وَالـرَّحْـمَنِ ۞ وَبِـالـرَّحِـيـْمِ دَائِـمِ
I begin with the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate, the
One who always gives pleasure.
فَالْـحَـمْـدُ ِللهِ الْـقَدِيْمِ اْلأَوَّلِ ۞ اْلآخِـرِ الْـبَـاقِـيْ بِلاَ
Then all praise is due to Allah, the First, the Beginning, the End, the One
who remains without change
ثُـمَّ الـصَّلاَةُ وَالسَّلاَمُ سَرْمَـدَ ۞ عَـلَـى الـنَّـبِيِّ خَيْرِ مَنْ
قَدْ وَحَّدَا
Then, may peace and blessings be upon the Prophet of the best of those who
glorify Allah
وَآلِهِ وَصَـحْـبِهِ وَمَـنْ تَـبِـعْ ۞ سَـبِـيْلَ دِيْنِ الْحَقِّ غَيْرَ
And his family, his companions and those who follow the right path of
religion, not the innovators.
وَبَـعْـدُ فَاعْلَمْ بِوُجُوْبِ الْمَعْرِفَـهْ ۞ مِنْ وَاجِـبٍ ِللهِ
عِـشْرِيْنَ صِفَـهْ
And after that, Know about the obligation of knowing that Allah has 20
obligatory attributes
فَـاللهُ مَـوْجُـوْدٌ قَـدِيْمٌ بَاقِــي ۞ مُخَـالِـفٌ لِلْـخَـلْقِ
Allah is Existent, Prior, Eternal and different from His creatures
وَقَـائِمٌ غَـنِـيْ وَوَاحِـدٌ وَحَيّ ۞ قَـادِرٌ مُـرِيـْدٌ عَـالِمٌ بِكُلِّ
Self-standing, All-Rich, All-One, All-Living, All-Powerful, All-Willing,
All-Knowing of all things
سَـمِـيْعٌ الْبَـصِيْـرُ والْمُتَكَلِـمُ ۞ لَهُ صِفَـاتٌ سَـبْـعَةٌ
All-Hearing, All-Seeing, All-Speaking, Allah has 7 attributes that are
composed of
فَـقُـدْرَةٌ إِرَادَةٌ سَـمْـعٌ بَصَـرْ ۞ حَـيَـاةٌ الْـعِلْـمُ كَلَامٌ
Powerful, Willing, Hearing, Seeing, Living, Having Knowledge, Speaking
وجَـائــِزٌ بِـفَـضْـلِهِ وعَدْلِهِ ۞ تَـرْكٌ لِـكُـلِّ مُمْـكِـنٍ
By His grace and justice, He may do what is possible or leave it out.
أَرْسَـلَ أَنْـبِيَا ذَوِي فَـطَـانَـهْ ۞ بِالصِّـدْقِ وَالـتَّـبْلِـيْغِ
Allah sent prophets who were intelligent, truthful, communicative and
وَجَـائِزٌ فِي حَقِّـهِمْ مِنْ عَـرَضِ ۞ بِغَـيْـرِ نَقْصٍ كَخَفِيْفِ
And it is permissible in the right of the Rosul from human nature without
diminishing his status, such as a minor illness
عِصْـمَـتُهُمْ كَسَـائِرِ الْمَلاَئِـكَهْ ۞ وَاجِـبَـةٌ وَفَـاضَلُوا
Their guardianship (from sin) is like that of the angels. it is obligatory,
and the Prophets are superior to the angels.
وَالْـمُسْـتَحِيْلُ ضِدُّ كُـلِّ وَاجِبِ ۞ فَـاحْـفَظْ لِخَمْسِيْنَ بِحُكْمٍ
The impossible is the opposite of the obligatory, so memorize the fifty
attributes as obligatory.
تَـفْصِيْـلُ خَمْسَةٍ وَعِشْرِيْـنَ لَزِمْ ۞ كُـلَّ مُـكَـلَّـفٍ فَحَقِّقْ
detailing 25 is obligatory for every mukalaf, so be sure and take advantage of
هُمْ آدَمُ اِدْرِيْسُ نُوْحٌ هُـوْدٌ مَـعْ ۞ صَالِـحْ وَإِبْرَاهِـيْـمُ كُـلٌّ
They are Prophets Adam, Idris, Noah, Hud and Sholeh, Ibrahim each followed
لُوْطٌ وَاِسْـمَاعِيْلُ اِسْحَاقٌ كَـذَا ۞ يَعْـقُوْبُ يُوْسُفٌ وَأَيـُّوْبُ
Luth, Ishmael and Ishaq, as well as Yaqub, Joseph and Ayyub and so on.
شُعَيْبُ هَارُوْنُ وَمُوْسَى وَالْـيَسَعْ ۞ ذُو الْكِـفْلِ دَاوُدُ سُلَيْمانُ
Shuaib, Aaron, Musa and Alyasa’, Dzulkifli, Dawud, Sulaiman followed by
إلْـيَـاسُ يُوْنُسْ زَكَرِيـَّا يَحْيَى ۞ عِـيْسَـى وَطَـهَ خَاتِمٌ دَعْ
Ilyas, Yunus, Zakaria, Yahya, Isa and Taha (Muhammad) as a cover, so leave the
path that deviates from the truth.
عَلَـيْـهِـمُ الصَّــلاةُ والسَّـلامُ ۞ وآلِهِـمْ مـَـا دَامَـتِ
May peace and blessings be upon them and their families for all time.
وَالْـمَـلَكُ الَّـذِي بِلاَ أَبٍ وَأُمْ ۞ لاَ أَكْـلَ لاَ شـُرْبَ وَلاَ
نَوْمَ لَهُمْ
Angels are without father and mother, without food, without drink and without
تَفْـصِـيْلُ عَشْرٍ مِنْهُمُ جِبْرِيـْلُ ۞ مِـيْـكَـالُ اِسْـرَافِيْلُ
In detail, there are 10 of them, namely Jibril, Mikail, Israfil, and
مُــنْـكَرْ نَـكِـيْرٌ وَرَقِيْبٌ وَكَذَا ۞ عَـتِـيْدُ مَالِكٌ وَرِضْوَانُ
Munkar, Nakir, and Raqib, as well as ‘Atid, Malik, and Ridwan.
أَرْبَـَعَـةٌ مِنْ كُتُبٍ تَـفْصِيْـلُهَا ۞ تَـوْارَةُ مُـوْسَى بِالْهُدَى
Four of Allah’s Scriptures in detail are the Torah for Prophet Moses revealed
with instructions
زَبُـوْرُ دَاوُدَ وَاِنْـجِـيْـلٌ عَلَى ۞ عِيْـسَى وَفُـرْقَانٌ عَلَى خَيْرِ
The Zabur for Prophet Dawud and the Injil for Prophet Isa and the Quran for
the best of the people (Prophet Muhammad).
وَصُحُـفُ الْـخَـلِيْلِ وَالْكَلِيْـمِ ۞ فِيْـهَـا كَلاَمُ الْـحَـكَمِ
And the sheets of Al Kholil (Prophet Ibrohim) and Al Kalim (Prophet Moses)
contain the Words of the All-Wise and All-Knowing.
وَكُـلُّ مَـَا أَتَى بِهِ الـرَّسُـوْلُ ۞ فَحَـقُّـهُ الـتَّـسْـلِـيْمُ
And whatever the Messenger of Allah says, we must surrender and accept.
إِيـْمَـانُـنَا بِـيَـوْمِ آخِرٍ وَجَبْ ۞ وَكُـلِّ مَـا كَـانَ بِـهِ مِنَ
Belief in the Last Day is obligatory, and all the terrible things of the Last
Day are obligatory.
خَـاتِمَةٌ فِي ذِكْرِ بَاقِي الْوَاجِـبِ ۞ مِمَّـا عَـلَى مُكَـلَّفٍ مِنْ
As a closing statement to explain the obligatory stipulations of what is
obligatory for mukalaf.
نَـبِـيُّـنَـا مُحَمَّدٌ قَـدْ أُرْسِلاَ ۞ لِلْـعَالَمِـيْـنَ رَحْـمَةً
Our Prophet Muhammad has been sent to all of nature as a Mercy and virtue is
given to him above all others.
أَبـُوْهُ عَـبْدُ اللهِ عَبْدُ الْمُطَّلِـبْ ۞ وَهَـاشِمٌ عَبْـدُ مَنَافٍ
His father was Abdullah, the son of Abdul Muttalib, and his lineage goes back
to Hashim, the son of Abdu Manaf.
وَأُمُّـهُ آمِــنَـةُ الـزُّهْـرِيـَّـهْ ۞ أَرْضَـعَـهُ حَـلِيْمَـةُ
And his mother was Aminah Az-Zuhriyah, who breastfed him was Halimah
مـَوْلِدُهُ بِـمَـكَـةَ اْلأَمِيْـنَـهْ ۞ وَفَـاتُهُ بِـطَـيْـبَةَ
He was born in the safety of Makkah, and died in Toyibah (Madinah).
أَتَـمَّ قَـبْـلَ الْـوَحِيِ أرْبَعِيْنَا ۞ وَعُمْـرُهُ قَـدْ جَـاوَزَ
Before the revelation, the prophet Muhammad had completed 40 years, and his
age exceeded 60 years.
ســَبْـعَةٌ أَوْلاَدُهُ فَـمِـنْـهُـمُ ۞ ثَلاَثَـةٌ مِـنَ الـذُّكُـوْرِ
His sons and daughters were seven, three of them male
قـَاسِـمْ وَعَـبْدُ اللهِ وَهْوَ الطَّيـِّبُ ۞ وَطَـاهِـرٌ بِـذَيْـنِ ذَا
Qasim and Abdullah who were titled At-Thoyyib and At-Thohir, with these 2
titles (At-Thoyyib and At-Thohir) Abdullah was given the title of
أَتَـاهُ إِبـْرَاهِـيْــمُ مِنْ سَـرِيـَّهْ ۞ فَأُمُّهُ مَارِيـَةُ
Ibrohim from a slave girl, his mother (Ibrohim) named Mariyah Al-Qibtiyyah
وَغَـيْـرُ إِبـْرَاهِيْمَ مِنْ خَـدِيْجَهْ ۞ هُمْ سِتَـةٌ فَـخُـذْ بِـهِمْ
Besides Ibrohim from Khodijah, there are six of them, so recognize them with
وَأَرْبَعٌ مِـنَ اْلإِنـَاثِ تُـذْكَـرُ ۞ رِضْـوَانُ رَبِّـي لِلْـجَـمِـيْعِ
And four of the Prophet’s daughters will be mentioned, may Allah be pleased
with them all
فَـاطِــمَـةُ الزَّهْرَاءُ بَعْلُهَا عَلِيْ ۞ وَابـْنـَاهُمَا السِّبْطَانِ
فَضْلُهُمْ جَلِيْ
Fatimah Azzahro, her husband was Ali ibn Abi Tholib, and their two sons (Hasan
and Hussein) are the Prophet’s grandsons whose virtues are clear.
فَـزَيْـنَـبٌ وبَـعْـدَهَـا رُقَـيَّـهْ ۞ وَأُمُّ كُـلْـثُـوْمٍ زَكَـتْ
Then Zaenab and then Ruqayah, and Ummu Kultsum who is pure and blessed.
عَـنْ تِسْـعِ نِسْوَةٍ وَفَاةُ الْمُصْطَفَى ۞ خُـيِّـرْنَ فَاخْـتَرْنَ
النَّـبِيَّ الْمُقْتَفَى
The death of the prophet left nine wives, they were all asked to choose
(heaven or the world), so they chose the prophet who was a role model.
عَـائِـشَـةٌ وَحَـفْصَةٌ وَسَـوْدَةُ ۞ صَـفِـيَّـةٌ مَـيْـمُـوْنَةٌ
Aisha, Hafshah, and Saudah, Shofiyyah, Maimunah, and Romlah
هِنْـدٌ وزَيْــنَبٌ كَـذَا جُوَيـْرِيَهْ ۞ لِلْـمُـؤْمِنِيْنَ أُمَّـهَاتٌ
Hindun and Zaenab, and Juwairiyah, for the believers they became blessed
حَـمْـزَةُ عَـمُّـهُ وعَـبَّـاسٌ كَذَا ۞ عَمَّـتُـهُ صَـفِيَّـةٌ ذَاتُ
Hamzah was the Prophet’s Uncle as well as ‘Abbas, the Prophet’s Aunt was
Shofiyyah who followed the Prophet.
وَقَـبْـلَ هِـجْـرَةِ النَّـبِيّ اْلإِسْرَا ۞ مِـنْ مَـكَّـةٍ لَيْلاً لِقُدْسٍ
And before the Prophet’s Hijrah (to Medina), there was an Isro’ event. From
Makkah at night to Bait al-Maqdis which can be seen.
وَبَـعْـدَ إِسْـرَاءٍ عُـرُوْجٌ لِلـسَّمَا ۞ حَتىَّ رَأَى الـنَّـبِـيُّ
رَبـًّا كَـلَّمَا
After the Isro’ then the Mikraj (ascension), so the Prophet saw the Lord who
مِنْ غَيْرِ كَيْفٍ وَانْحِصَارٍ وَافْـتَرَضْ ۞ عَـلَـيْهِ خَمْساً بَعْدَ
خَمْسِيْنَ فَرَضْ
Without form and space. And obliged him (to pray) 5 times from 50 times
وَبــلَّـغَ اْلأُمَّــةَ بِـاْلإِسْرَاءِ ۞ وَفَـرْضِ خَـمْـسَةٍ بِلاَ
And the Prophet conveyed to the people about the event of Isro’. And the
obligation of the 5 daily prayers without any doubt.
قَـدْ فَـازَ صِـدِّيْقٌ بِتَـصْدِيْقٍ لَـهُ ۞ وَبِـالْـعُرُوْجِ الصِّدْقُ
وَافَى أَهْلَهُ
How fortunate the Companion Abubakar As-Siddiq was in confirming this event,
as well as the Mikraj event, which is appropriate for the perpetrator of Isro’
وَهَــذِهِ عَـقِـيْـدَةٌ مُـخْـتَصَرَهْ ۞ وَلِـلْـعَـوَامِ سَـهْـلَةٌ
This is the Aqeedah that is concise, and for the common people easy and
نـَاظِـمُ تِلْـكَ أَحْـمَدُ الْمَرْزُوقِيْ ۞ مَـنْ يَنْـتَمِي لِلصَّادِقِ
The one who forbade it is Ahmad Al Marzuqi, who is related to the true and
justified prophet.
والْحَـمْـدُ ِللهِ وَصَـلَّى سَـلَّمَا ۞ عَلَـى النَّبِيِّ خَيْرِ مَنْ قَدْ
And all praise be to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, the
best of those who have taught.
وَاْلآلِ وَالـصَّـحْـبِ وَكُـلِّ مُرْشِدِ ۞ وَكُـلِّ مَـنْ بِخَيْرِ هَدْيٍ
And the family and the companions and the one who guides and the one who
follows the best of guidance
وَأَسْـأَلُ الْكَـرِيْمَ إِخْـلاَصَ الْعَمَلْ ۞ ونَـفْـعَ كُـلِّ مَنْ بِهَا
قَدِ اشْتَغَلْ
And I ask Allah, the Most Gracious, for sincerity in doing good deeds and for
the benefit of everyone who adheres to this creed.
أبْيَاتُهَا (مَـيْـزٌ) بِـعَدِّ الْجُمَّلِ ۞ تَارِيْخُها (لِيْ حَيُّ غُرٍّ)
This nadham has 57 stanzas with alphabetical counting, the year of writing is
1258 AH.
سَـمَّـيْـتُـهَا عَـقِـيْدَةَ الْـعَوَامِ ۞ مِـنْ وَاجِبٍ فِي الدِّيْنِ
I call this creed Aqidatul Awam, the information that must be known in matters of religion perfectly.[]